Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My First Blog for finding Inner Peace

Welcome to my first Blog. Enjoy.

Life…doing day to day tasks in a variety of roles, being a wife, mother, sister, daughter, career woman all tended to leave me worn out by the end of the day, being pulled in different directions, like a leaf being tossed in the wind. I have to admit that I was a chronic worrier, putting needless stress on myself. Trying to be and do all for everyone, along the way I lost myself. Anyone relate to this? I slowly started taking a variety of courses, thinking that there must be something else out there for me.

Then one day, I was in a store that sold a variety of items and noticed a book “The Power of Soul”, it practically fell off the shelf at me. So of course I had to purchase it and take it home. At this point I was not ready to read it.

Jumping forward a few months, my friend and I decided at the last minute to head to the Eco Expo at the RA Centre in Ottawa. We ended up arriving half an hour before they closed. I was immediately drawn to the booth for Master Sha.

I had a conversation with Master Lynda, who lives in Toronto, and travels to Ottawa to offer Master Sha’s teachings. I immediately felt like I was at “home”, something just clicked, like the missing piece of a puzzle. I can truly say that this is where I began my Soul Healing Miracle Journey. I found out when she was returning to Ottawa, and promised myself that this date would definitely be in my date book.

I returned home with a renewed sense of excitement, dusted off my copy of “The Power of Soul” book and started reading the profound wisdom and teachings held within its pages.

I googled Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, I wanted to know everything I could about this wonderful teacher who had such profound knowledge and was offering  this knowledge to everyone,  on how one can heal themselves on many levels.
I am looking forward to sharing my personal growth and Soul Healing Miracles Journey

1 comment:

  1. Dear Susan, I totally relate to the way you were introduced to Master Sha as I too could not leave Pebbles Bookstore in Ottawa without a Power of Soul in my hand no matter how many times I tried to leave the bookstore.

    I totally love the way your blog looks - so peaceful - so calm.

    Thank you for a beautiful experience.
